Haneen Khan

Sex & dating confidence in 12 weeks

Hi deeeears, I'm Haneen.

👋🏼 My story from Indian lawyer 👩🏻‍💼 to wild sex coach is a real head-turner at dinners. 🤭

“Wait, WHAT? You were a lawyer?!”. YUP, what can I say. I weirdly enjoyed running around barefoot (cos heels are the devil 👠⛔), pretending to be professional in my overpriced suit with chocolate stains- and realise: “YEP. This isn't me.”

Soooo I ditched the cushy corporate world (bye-byeeeee 👋🏼) and began to run play parties in a mansion in London 😂. And thats when I realised this whole “sexual liberation thing” was actually kinda life changing.

I went from being clueless & disconnected from my body to empowered & knowing wtf I wanted. Which rippled into the rest of my life. I stopped pleasing other people, I ASKED for more (I highly recommend it 💁🏻‍♀️), took waaay more risk— and tolerated less sh*t 💩 in life.

Somehow SEX did that. And that's why I do what I do. That's why our work together is so much more than just “sex & dating”. It's about how we relate with ourselves and the people around us.

About me


Haneen’s course is like a rebirth! It unlocked a beautiful new chapter in my life where I am more mindful of my needs, more in-tune with my body, and more confident in creating the sexual experiences that I need WITH the type of partners who can nourish me. Worth every penny, her course will truly change your life.


United States 🇺🇸

Previously I didn't have the language or confidence to talk about sex in the way I wanted to... With Haneen’s work, I now feel so empowered to speak to what is happening for me and how to practice doing this with care with a partner


United Kingdom 🇬🇧

Haneen made me feel more confident in what I like, to share it with partners and actually apply it. Honestly, it made me come a few times with a man and I usually struggle with that.


Germany 🇩🇪

Haneen helped me to realise how important my desires are. Instead of pressure, scripts and performance, Haneen helped me to embody playfulness and presence. I've learned that my sexual journey is mine to write, and it can be as fun, geeky, silly and lovely as I want it to be


United Kingdom 🇬🇧

I wasn’t sure whether to do Haneen's course as it seemed like a big investment. I was struck by how light and joyous such a deeply transformative learning journey could be. Even though I don’t currently have sexual partners, I’m surprised how much I’ve been able to apply learnings in my other relationships!


United Kingdom 🇬🇧

Haneen helped me flip a lot of shame I had around sex, inspire creativity in the bedroom, embolden how to communicate my desires, and get me comfortable in my natural pleasure. It's crazy the positive impacts I see now in my everyday communication


United States 🇺🇸